Faculty -


VMU Faculty of Economics and Management is a recognized business school in Lithuania and the world, which prepares individuals who are admired by society, desired by employers, and cannot be replaced by artificial intelligence.

The faculty is among the top 1000 universities in the world (EDUNIVERSAL) specializing in management and business administration. VMU Faculty of Economics and Management is a liberal school that recognizes and respects the individual needs, interests and goals of each student. It is a great place for smart, enterprising young people with self-expression tendencies and positive ambitions who are striving for professional heights.

In 2019, Vytautas Magnus University (VMU) celebrated the 30th anniversary of its restoration. It was also a jubilee year for the Faculty of Economics and Management (EVF) – 1989. at the end of the summer, after the entrance exams, the first 54 undergraduate students were admitted to the first year of the Faculty of Economics.


The strong and inclusive culture of the Faculty of Economics and Management, a harmonious community of employees, students and graduates, as well as bright personalities – young energetic teachers, professionals in their field and a famous (prominent) professorship – this is the uniqueness of the Faculty and a source of long-term strength.


The Faculty of Economics and Management is an active and modern participant in studies, science and the labor market, able to operate flexibly in an uncertain environment and to educate critically, analytically and complexly thinking specialists in the fields of economics, finance, marketing, business and management with a broad co-university education, deep specialized knowledge and practical skills.


The Faculty of Economics and Management closely cooperates with business organizations in the training of specialists – social partners share their good experiences in lectures, formulate practical tasks and topics for theses, establish scholarships, carry out joint projects of students and Lithuanian and foreign companies, organize interesting and useful internships; continuously revises and updates study programs based on business needs.


The faculty organizes three levels of studies: bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral studies.

The Center for Business Consulting and Postgraduate Studies operating here also offers admission to various postgraduate training programs, from short specialized courses to retraining studies. Much attention is paid to student practice. The successful careers of many graduates of the faculty in various Lithuanian business organizations, representative offices of foreign companies and state institutions testify to the fact that sufficient universal and specific knowledge is acquired during studies, which helps to successfully enter the competitive business world.

Students of the Faculty of Economics and Management have wide opportunities to gain international experience through study exchanges under “Campus Europae”, “Erasmus+” or Bilateral exchange programs. One-semester studies at the universities in Belgium, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Luxembourg, Latvia, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain, Turkey by Erasmus+ exchange programme and by VMU Bilateral collaborative agreements. Two-semester studies at one of the member universities of Campus Europae. Students may gain practical experience by making use of Erasmus work placement program in enterprises and organisations in all EU countries as well as in Island, Norway, Lichtenstein, Turkey and Switzerland.

Study organization activities at the faculty are combined with economic and management research. International conferences are held every year, scientific articles are published in the periodical journals of the Faculty of Economics and Management “Organization Management: Systematic Research” and “Applied Economics: Systematic Research”.