
The European Management AssociationBaltic Management Foundation and Vytautas Magnus University  organize

the International Scientific Conference:


The aim of the conference:

To analyze, evaluate and discuss ways and methods of modern organization development. 

Benefits to the participants:

  • Identification of the nature and trends of future organizations’ development and better understanding of these processes.
  • Mastering the management forms and organizational procedures in modern organization.
  • Exchange of ideas and experience among the participants of various countries, as well as the promotion of opportunities for further professional cooperation.

Topics for reports and discussions:

Future Organization: Management under uncertainty

  • Organisational response to uncertain environment
  • Uncertainties in organizations
  • Human resource management challenges
  • Leadership and entrepreneurship
  • Organisational future and strategic management
  • Cross-cultural communication
  • Corporate governance and social responsibility

Economic Issues, Visions and Challenges in Business Organizations

  • Globalization of economies
  • Economic cycles and crisis
  • Social policy and welfare economy
  • Fiscal limitations of economic policy
  • Economic internationalization and (dis)integration
  • Sharing economy and circular economy

Finance in Global Environment

  • Financial markets and institutions
  • Financial decisions under uncertainty
  • Corporate social responsibility and value creation
  • Accounting, reporting and assurance
  • Public finance
  • Innovative financial products and mechanisms
  • Behavioral finance
  • Financial health assessment

Marketing Development: Challenges in diverse society

  • Modern marketing technologies
  • Neuromarketing
  • Marketing development
  • Marketing communications
  • Consumer behaviour
  • Leisure and services marketing


Scientific Committee of the Conference

Prof., Habil. Dr. P. Žukauskas (Lithuania)
Prof., Habil. Dr. P. Zakarevičius (Lithuania)
Prof., PhD J. N. Kalaras (USA)
Prof., Dr. M. Kerkovskij (Czech Republic)
Prof., Habil. Dr. Zigmas Lydeka (Lithuania)
Prof., Habil. Dr. M. Klimovich (Russia)
Prof., Dr. V. Pukelienė (Lithuania)
Prof., Habil. Dr. W. Kosiedowski (Poland)
Prof., Dr. P. Kross (Estonia)
Prof., Habil. Dr. J. Krumins (Latvia)
Prof., Habil. Dr. B. Melnikas (Lithuania)
Prof., Dr. G. Pegoretti (Italy)
Prof., Dr. E. Zelgalve (Latvia)
Prof., Dr. G. Jucevičius (Lithuania)
Dr. P. M. Rudhart (Germany)
Prof., PhD P. Wolffsen (Denmark)
Prof., Dr. K. Levišauskaitė (Lithuania)
Prof., PhD. S. Sangwan (Singapore)
Prof., PhD. P. Semal (Belgium)
Prof., PhD. R. S. Brunstad (Norway)

Organisational Committee of the Conference

Prof., Habil. Dr. P. Žukauskas – Chairman
Prof., Dr. K. Levišauskaitė – Vice Chairman
Assoc. Prof., Dr. R. Bendaravičienė – Vice Chairman
A. Ganusauskaitė – Executive Director
Prof., Dr. V. Pukelienė
Prof., Dr. I. Bakanauskienė
Prof., Dr. G. Jucevičius
Assoc. Prof., Dr. R. Legenzova
Assoc. Prof., Dr. A. Bakanauskas
Assoc. Prof., Dr. V. Liesionis
Assoc. Prof., Dr. J. Kalendienė
M. Didžgalvytė
M. Račkauskas
J. Kuklytė